
Last Friday,I had to took part in "Bible's story drama contest",our school was the bigger winner.There had 7 awards,our school had got 5, an I... I had got the "best actress"haha*
I think I had to be hot on the stage,the lighting and the clapping,when I stood on the stage,I flat I seemed a shining star...The shining life,it's my dream.
But I didn't confirm can I keep up my dream,only if I'm the best,otherwise I can't to live by this trade,by definition,I'm not the best.... I know....
So,I need to think about that clearly clearly and clearly,I don't know how can I choose,I'm afraid that I'll regret if I choose a wrong way.


About "Underwear man",he has gone and he was not my boyfriend 1 month ago. The main point was not he went to Austraila.It's because I'm not the girl his heart was missing. Before me,he has love the other girl,he said that he thought he to be in love with me,he will forgot the other girl ,but....he couldn't did it.However, he really left me,he didn't love anymore.When I know that he need to go to Austraila,I really to intend waitting for him, just four years,I believe that I can do it. But now.....what can I said?[[Guys are so hard to turst.]]He was broken my heart.

But around all my exboyfrieds,he was a best one. Handsome, sporty, patient of me, tender... Maybe I haven't enough invite that I could made him still love me....

Perhaps it's so far way to have true love for we,but in fact,I'm truly to love my boyfriend every times.

Anyway...I believe that I can meet the better one!


Re comment:I look so sleepy in class maybe because I always sleep very late.Anyway,Venus has replace me now.

Fridaynight to saturdaynight are the great time for me. It is because I can forgot the limit of time.I can do something I like until I feel that it's enough.

Last Fridaynight,I had went to the High Street Psychosis Hospital with my friend.Rumour there a "ghost house".So I chooes visit there at night.We had a few of frustate because there was nothing special.But I think I'll visit there once or more times lonely.It's because I was interest for there very much!Besides, there was too famous of the tale, how can I give up to find out the truth?

Another,I was angry about my cat,it always urinate on my bad......It's too disgusted!


Yes!Underwear man is from 6B^^And "Chicken Littel" is bought from him.
He said that Australia has many many flies.I'm very interest on it.Why did Australia too many flies?Are all the place in Australia has too many flies??haha^^""

Last Tuesday is the Inter-School Athletics Championships,seem the pass,I had join the 100 meter hurdles,but the result was extremely bad....

At night,I felt sick,I tought that I had got fever because it's so cold at Wan Chai Sport Playground,I remember when I' m form one I had got fever after the championships.

I think I need to give up dance,I'm very very averseness. My aunt told me that I need to give up one activity,coincidence I had to be on unfriendly terms with Miss Ma(don't tell her I have say that),so I choose to give up dance,but I think it's temporariness,after the HKCE,I'll join some dancing class out of school promptly.


I can tell you my secret now.In 8/11,I had a new boyfriend,haha.....He is "underwear man" . Do you know he sing is very good?

Mention singing,last Wednesday is school singing contest,I have join the contest with my friend. It's too bad!!!!!!! My cough had not recovered, voice had husky=.=” I singing not so good formerly, and I got cough that I sing extremely bad in that day. Opposite, my pratner sings very good. I feel that I embroil her can't goes to the final contest.

http://s11.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2O6DW8V16O6151ZBX700LGLXLX ←this link is the contest of my time,but you maybe don't understand the lyrics.....

I hate my physique very much!!!! Seem last year, when the season had change, I got cough. It effact my recite competition. This year, it effact my singing contest,I hate it......

I want to know something about Australia. Would you tell me about the weather and time differences with Hong Kong and soemthing about Australia?


About my sceret,I'll tall you in a suitable time^^

Today is an unlucky day....I have lost my purse>﹏<

This Friday I'm absence because I'm cough very serious,I tall my father and asked for leave,he has phone to school,but he told to the other people "4a's Mak ka man"oh*Mak ka man is my sister,he has always to mix up>
This Thursday,we had a Chinses lesson and we had to debate.The topic is "Secondary school's student should to be in love." I'm formerly unopposed,but in this lesson,I must to oppoesd because I'm the objector.It's too hard to opposed the comment by myself,but I turst I can do it. However,I do it.But I'm very angry about once matter....Objecter had separate boys and girls to discussing,but it's not a good idea,so I go to discus with the boys on girls behalf when we finish our discuss.
I have asked for two boys among them how about their discuss,they are too arrogant,they said that they sure the other side will lost,UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Can we be win cause him??I don't think so.....I asked them why did they sure that,they said that they sure the other side will mix up something(I don't know how to tell you!).I don't agree for them and I asked them the two things have what different,the other boy said "It's different definitely,use your brain."[[I'm too angry this time!!!!.\ /.This boy,called Zero,Choi Chung Fat,he's 18 years old,but he is very stupid and extremely immature!!!Maybe he's 0% cognition about debeat!He called me to use my brain.....X!Don't insult my wisdoms,please!!!I can't to put on a par with him,he is a fool and rubbish in my memory!!!!]]"Give me a reason!!"I said to him.Then he said nothing......
The debeat is start,I haven't to make a speech because I want to see how can they win by themself.I just give them some point and comment.They asked for help long,[[[[before the debate,you talk too arrogant, now?why did you need my help!!!!!]]]]However,I have to make a speech,I can help my side definitely.But Miss Cheung and Miss Yan didn't told them the result,but in my standard,we are lost...


Hey John , from the frist>>>thank you for your special present""

Today I out of my bed in the early morning,I detect my eyes had seem an egg>>very swollen!!!But I can't do anything about it. I haven't enough time, I'm late"" I need to go to work!!

Today I do there with my friend,the shop we going is in Nam Chong and the shop's woner is my aunt. When we arrived soon. I saw my cousion is come.It's because my aunt haven't told me she will.But that's grate,I can go to see flim with my friend.

Then we leave there and go to FastivalWalk,we saw the film called "All About Love".It's a grate film.It's very touching and it make me cried""Arter we saw the film,my friend had to comfort me and he had to escort me home.

I tell you a secret.....
at 8/11,had one thing made me very happy.

And other thing, thank you very much, John! You made me can found a song I love --- Imagine” I have found this song for a long time. I don’t know the song’s name before so I can’t enjoy this song. Thakn you very much!!