
About "Underwear man",he has gone and he was not my boyfriend 1 month ago. The main point was not he went to Austraila.It's because I'm not the girl his heart was missing. Before me,he has love the other girl,he said that he thought he to be in love with me,he will forgot the other girl ,but....he couldn't did it.However, he really left me,he didn't love anymore.When I know that he need to go to Austraila,I really to intend waitting for him, just four years,I believe that I can do it. But now.....what can I said?[[Guys are so hard to turst.]]He was broken my heart.

But around all my exboyfrieds,he was a best one. Handsome, sporty, patient of me, tender... Maybe I haven't enough invite that I could made him still love me....

Perhaps it's so far way to have true love for we,but in fact,I'm truly to love my boyfriend every times.

Anyway...I believe that I can meet the better one!


Re comment:I look so sleepy in class maybe because I always sleep very late.Anyway,Venus has replace me now.

Fridaynight to saturdaynight are the great time for me. It is because I can forgot the limit of time.I can do something I like until I feel that it's enough.

Last Fridaynight,I had went to the High Street Psychosis Hospital with my friend.Rumour there a "ghost house".So I chooes visit there at night.We had a few of frustate because there was nothing special.But I think I'll visit there once or more times lonely.It's because I was interest for there very much!Besides, there was too famous of the tale, how can I give up to find out the truth?

Another,I was angry about my cat,it always urinate on my bad......It's too disgusted!